New YA Releases in the Nook

New YA Releases in the Nook
Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Friday, November 18, 2011

A Beastly Adaptation

November meetings are a wrap for the Nook. We discussed Beastly by Alex Flinn and found the book to be deeper and much more thought-provoking than we had expected. Some of the kids who had seen the movie adaptation agreed that the book was much better! (Isn't it always?) In fact, our book covers used a photo from the movie, and the beast looked nothing like that in the book! So we redesigned the covers in a group competition. Topics like bullying, vanity, and compassion were at the core of our discussion, and I challenged the kids to spend the next month "paying it forward" to family, friends, foes, and strangers. Hopefully they will step up to the task!

Our book for December is Purple Heart by Patricia McCormick. We expect this book to be a heavy read as it is about the War in Iraq, but I know my readers have the maturity to handle it.

As first semester comes to a close, we need to collect dues for second semester. Please turn in your $10 by our next meeting either to the public library or to Mrs. Nolte at the middle school library.

Have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Hopefully you can use your days off to curl up with a great book!

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