New YA Releases in the Nook

New YA Releases in the Nook
Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Friday, May 13, 2011

Summer Passport Rules and Regulations

  1. Teens ages 12-18 (preferably those going into 6th-12th grade) are eligible to participate.
  2. Each teen will receive one passport book. No replacements will be issued for lost passport books. If you lose yours, you may keep track of your reading on a piece of paper.
  3. You will receive one stamp in your passport book for every 500 pages read. You may only count pages read during the months of June and July, not those read previously. You will keep a running total of pages from all of your books and combine those to get 500 pages. Please do not count table of contents, about the author, index, glossary pages, etc. Only count those pages that tell the actual story. (Just be honest!)
  4. All book selections must be checked out from the YOUNG ADULT or ADULT sections of the Maryville Public Library. MAKE SURE THEY ARE YA OR ADULT BEFORE YOU BEGIN. Young Adult books will have a “YA” in the call number. Adult books will simply have an “F” for fiction or a just a Dewey decimal number for nonfiction. Books in our YOUTH section (marked with a small “y”) will NOT be eligible. (Be careful of this. Books such as Mark Twain nominees like The Lightning Thief, for example, are considered youth books. If younger teens, i.e. sixth graders would prefer to read at this level, they may take part in the children’s summer reading program instead of Summer Passport.)
  5. For every stamp you receive, you may either choose a small prize OR obtain a raffle ticket to be put into our drawing for larger prizes.
  6. You will receive one additional stamp for participating in and completing the book trailer project. There will be an additional award given for the best book trailer.

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